The Sexy Orinda Huta, she is veeeery hot.
Ohh Orinda bre shum sexy je. Dil ka Tetova ne vere, shihemi.
"Parajsa" Together with Flori, Julka and Elvana
Orinda Huta - Harrova te marr fryme (I forgot to breathe)..Soory for the bad Clip, just listen to the song, it´s nice.
Ohh Orinda bre shum sexy je. Dil ka Tetova ne vere, shihemi.
"Parajsa" Together with Flori, Julka and Elvana
Orinda Huta - Harrova te marr fryme (I forgot to breathe)..Soory for the bad Clip, just listen to the song, it´s nice.