Unikkatil is a rapper from the group = "The Bloody Alboz", wich you can see also here: The Bloody Alboz. His name is in longform "Rebel a.k.a. Unikkatil", a real Gangster ;) Now Unikkatil is working on a new Single Album, without under the Name of "Tba" - The name will be "Kanuni i Katilit", 3 songs are already released:
1. Intro
2. Outro
3. Live by the Gun (Part.1 and Part.2)
You can find these songs and more here: Unikkatil Mp3 Downloads
*Sharkim e keto kengeve dhe te gjith kenget tjer i keni ketu: http://albanian-forum-mp3-downloads.de/muzik-shqip/unikkatil