Adrian Gaxha Adrian Gaxha feat Driton Video - Vlora ime Adrian Gaxha e kendon ket ballad ne concert me 11 November 2006 ne Shkup, Macedonia. Driton´i asht aj djalli me violinen dhe asht vellaj i Adrian Gaxhe´s. Keto balladet e ketaj Adrianit shum me pelqejn. Come on listen.. Adrian sang this ballad in his concert held on 11th November 2006 in Shkup, Macedonia. Driton is the guy playing the violine and he is, yes you guessed it right, his beloved brother. Though, I am not much of a fan of Adrian, I certainly think that his ballads are making a strong impact on me. He truly is becoming a "master of ballads". Almost every ballad of his I listened to so far, sounded like a masterpiece. Vlora ime Hochgeladen von albanota